Package B - Package per Assigment

Whether a client makes use of a regular ongoing monthly off-take or not, this option may offer the most adequate solution for clients requesting services related to a specific assignment. A Package Per Assignment is a package with a pre-determined number of hours devoted to one specific assignment for a project that is financially registered under a specific dossier. Upon request, Alalim Legal will estimate the number of hours in which the Law Firm can complete the assignment. Once a Package Per Assignment is agreed upon, the Law Firm will set out to complete the assignment given within the agreed hours. This gives the client the security that a specific budget will be devoted to the completion of a specific task and within the agreed allocated budget.

This package is generally used for assignments that require an intensive amount of work over a known period of time. For example, drafting or review of an MOU or contract, or delivery of a legal memo or a second opinion. For clients that make use of a regular off-take package, Package per Assignment deals can be used to mitigate tasks that involve a sharp increase in the off take of hours over the agreed upon off take in the regular off take agreement. Package per Assignment deals cannot be applied to assignments involving a conflict, litigation or arbitration.

In order to protect both the client and the Law Firm, such assignments involve an advance payment, and an amount to be paid upon delivery. Clients may request a Package per Assignment deal by completing an assignment form that the Law Firm will provide upon request, and after all related documents have been disclosed . If the Law Firm completes the task using less hours than those agreed upon for the Package per Assignment, the hours will be transferred to the client’s main dossier, allowing them to be used for other legal questions. Transferred hours are valid for one calendar year after the completion of the Package per Assignment they were originally allocated towards.

Pricing and Packages

Package A – Regular Monthly Off-take

Package B – Package Per Assignment

Package C – Business Retainers